President: Runs all
meetings, coordinates all committees, acts as spokesperson of Yakima Folklife. With proper hierarchy of tasks, officers, and
committee chairs and sub-chairs, the tasks of the President should not be overwhelming. In a perfect world, the President
should have no other responsibilities.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The President shall
preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the General Membership of the Association, shall be responsible
for the general operations of the Association, shall call such meetings of the Board and of the General Membership as are
deemed necessary, shall act as official spokesperson for the Association; and shall perform other duties as directed by the
Board of Directors.
Vice-President: Back-up
for the President. This position has no set responsibility beyond acting for the President in his/her absence. The Vice-President
should therefore also head a committee.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Vice-President shall
perform the duties of the President in her/his absence, and shall perform other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.
Treasurer: Maintain
the financial records and provide financial reports, including an annual budget, to the Board and General Membership, to appropriate
governmental agencies, and to any other organization as needed. Pay all bills and provide payment, checks, receipts, etc.
as requested by committee chairs and other responsible persons. In a perfect world, the Treasurer should have no other responsibilities.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Treasurer shall
maintain the financial records of the Association in good order and shall render accurate financial reports, including an
annual budget, to the Board and General Membership, to appropriate governmental agencies, and to any other organization or
entity having legal entitlement to the information as directed by the Board of Directors; and shall perform other duties as
directed by the Board.
Secretary: Record the
minutes and attendance of all meetings of the Board of Directors and General Membership, and shall handle the correspondence,
including meeting notices but NOT "Festival Performer Correspondence." In a perfect world, the Secretary should have no other
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Secretary shall
record the minutes and attendance of all meetings of the Board of Directors and General Membership, and shall handle the correspondence,
including meeting notices.
Concert Committee Chair:
Coordinate concert series. Arrange and oversee all concert committee meetings, selection of concert performers, correspondence
with artists and agents, and the completion of all contracts, as well as coordination of concert sound and venue needs. This
job does NOT include concert promotion and advertising or concert hospitality.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Concert Series Performance Committee shall seek out and select performers for concert series, under consultation of the membership. This committee is fully responsible for the booking of performers and the securing and coordination of
sound equipment.
Festival Arts and Crafts Vendor Coordinator: Seeks out, selects, and coordinates craft vendors for festival. Sets up and oversees their booths. Works
closely with Park Site Coordinator.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Folk Arts & Crafts Committee shall seek out and coordinate artisans and craftspeople (both vendors and demonstrators)
for festivals and other related events (workshops, demonstrations, lectures, etc.), under consultation of the membership.”
Festival Children’s Activities Committee: This job is primarily the coordination of Children’s activities at the Festival. Existing
activities are: The Waterslide, Airplane Modeling, Sword Fighting (Fencing) and an occasional children’s concert. Seek
out and oversee other activities as approved by the Folklife Board. Coordinate with Volunteer chair, Site and Museum Chair,
Craft Vendor Chair and Performer Scheduling.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Children’s
Activities Committee is responsible for all children's activities and programs at the festival.
Festival Coordinator:
This person has an all-year calendar and "keeps the festival on schedule." All
dates and deadlines are pre-determined by individuals in charge of their particular areas, and the Festival Coordinator simply
reminds others of their responsibilities and keeps everyone to task, but doesn’t actually "do anything" -less busy yet
more "involved" in the fall and more busy "behind the scenes" as the festival approaches. This position does not involve public
relations beyond attending meetings and keeping in touch with a half dozen other Folklife folks, and is well suited to a meticulous
control freak who doesn’t shy away from reminding others what they should be doing. (Again, all dates and deadlines
are pre-determined by others; although you only keep a calendar and keep in touch, you'll feel like you run the whole festival!)
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Festival Coordination Committee will keep all festival planning and implementation on schedule and remind other committees
and volunteers of their deadlines and responsibilities.
Festival Downtown Venue Chair: Communicates with downtown venues for the festival Friday and Saturday evening performances. Develops contract for
evening venues with approval from board and membership. Has each venue sign contract.
Collects payment from venues after festival in a timely manner.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
“Festival Downtown Venues Committee shall coordinate the festival evening performance venues in downtown Yakima,
plan and implement the festival's downtown components (under consultation of the membership), and act as liaison between Yakima
Folklife and these venues.”
Festival Food Vendor Coordinator: Seeks out, selects, and coordinates food vendors for festival. Sets up and oversees their booths. Collects payment
for fees. Works closely with Park Site Coordinator.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Festival Food Vendor Committee shall seek out and coordinate food vendors for festivals and other related events, under consultation
of the membership.”
Festival Park/Museum Site Coordinator: Coordinates the festival site arrangements at Franklin Park and the Yakima
Valley Museum and acts as liaison between
Yakima Folklife, Yakima Parks & Recreation, Police and fire Departments, and the Yakima
Valley Museum. Oversees site
set-up and take-down. Works in coordination with:
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Museum/Park Site Committee shall coordinate the festival site arrangements at Franklin Park and the Yakima
Valley Museum and act as liaison between
Yakima Folklife, Yakima Parks & Recreation, and the Yakima
Valley Museum.”
Festival Performance Committee:
Festival Performance Chair: This person is involved in early planning (in Fall, at monthly meetings), although tasks do not begin until late November
(initial sending of performer "announcement/invitations." Deadlines are set for performer applications and committee review,
performer scheduling, and hospitality needs. This person oversees ALL tasks listed below and works in coordination with sites
and venues. This position, like the Festival Coordinator, does not require any "schmoozing" or corresponding outside of the
Folklife group (unless, of course, you want to) but does require a disciplined task-master. If all tasks below are led by
responsible self-motivated individuals, this job may require little to no work! Although this person will likely also assume
responsibility for one of the following:
Festival Performer Correspondence: All-year tasks. Enters and forwards and/or replies to all correspondence related to performers at the
festival. Also manages Performer Database and keeps all correspondence noted in Performer Database and up to date (at his
time the database is managed by membership chair, as we only have one license. Info has been forwarded to him for entry).
Works in close coordination with Festival Performance Scheduling, Judging & Selection, and Lodging Hospitality, as well
as the Secretary. This is a great job for someone who can spend lots of time at the computer and enjoys email correspondence.
Performer Judging and Selection: The volunteer oversees all performer judges - assembling performer packets, circulating them to judges, coordinating
the review process, and keeping to schedule. Work begins in December, gets very busy January-March, and will end by April
(if schedule is kept). This, along with judging, is probably the most enjoyable work of the festival-listening to the music
and getting excited about who will be coming.
Performance Scheduling: Creation of the festival performance schedule, working closely with Performer Correspondence, Venues Coordinators,
and Emcee Coordinator. This is intense work that must be accomplished immediately upon completion of judging, in April (one-three
others can help, but it is more easily accomplished with a small group). Revising schedule will occur until Festival. Must
have knowledge of diverse music styles, individual performers, and venue needs (best if this person was also a judge).
Performer Lodging Hospitality: Tabulates and coordinates lodging, vouchers, and reimbursement of all festival performers. Works in coordination with
Performer Correspondence and Concert Hospitality, late May ’til Festival. This is a fairly easy job.
Festival Emcee Coordinator:
Responsible for coordinating the park
and downtown venue Emcee/Stage Managers. (Note that emcees also serve as stage managers.)
Works with the Performance Scheduling
Committee for venue scheduling time slots.
Creates tech. sheet packets and emcee
packets for all performers and venues.
Works with volunteer coordinator to acquire
Schedules Emcees/Stage managers at downtown
evening venues and daytime park venues.
Coordinates with marketing manager for
evening venue sales of buttons and other merchandise.
Coordinates raffles and auctions on main
stage in conjunction with merchandising committee.
Consults with Marketing/PR manager regarding
announcements to be made from stages.
Provides Emcee/Stage manager orientation
meeting prior to the Festival
Insures that Emcees perform their duties
as required, in a professional manner.
Maintains list of “regular”
emcees from past festivals, and gives updated list to database manager for permanent record.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
“The Festival Performance Committee shall seek out and select performers (both music and dance) for the annual
festival, under consultation of the membership. This committee is fully responsible
for the booking of festival performers. It has, as sub-committees: Correspondence, Judging and Selection, Scheduling, Lodging/
Hospitality, and Emcee Coordination.”
Seeking and securing all sponsorships, donations, and partnerships, as well as membership development (working with membership/volunteer
coordinator). Overseeing a committee and proposing development plans and strategies to the membership at meetings, BOTH concerts
and festival.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Fundraising Committee
shall be responsible for sponsorship and fundraising appeals from outside organizations and businesses for both concerts and
the festival.
Hospitality: This job
is primarily the coordination of concert dinners, working with Concert Committee Chair (for dietary requests and other needs)
and Volunteer Coordinator. This job also includes the securing of all concert lodging needs and/or reimbursements (unless
another arrangement is agreed upon), but not performer lodging for the Festival. The Hospitality Chair is also responsible
for coordination of the Green Room and meals at the Festival, with volunteers accomplishing the actual preparation, serving
and clean-up. Responsible for providing bottled water to the stages for performers at concerts and the festival.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Events Hospitality Committee shall arrange and coordinate all necessary room and board gratuities and/or reimbursements for performers, and shall
coordinate all food services for concerts and events.
Membership & Volunteer Coordinator: In coordination with Secretary and Development, records and promotes membership, maintains a current membership list,
and actively recruits and coordinate volunteers. Primarily COORDINATION OF VOLUNTEERS FOR ALL EVENTS. Oversees the "great
volunteer drive" before the festival and is responsible for making sure that the regular pool of volunteers are notified of
events during the concert series. Most festival "group leaders" will do their own calling once volunteers are identified.
The Volunteer Coordinator is the initial contact that potential volunteers will have before "task groups" are formed; this
person should enjoy talking to friendly folks on the phone.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Membership & Volunteer Committee shall record and promote membership, maintain a current membership list, and actively
recruit and coordinate volunteers.”
Merchandising: In coordination
with the Treasurer, shall be responsible for all ticket and merchandise sales at all Yakima Folklife events (BOTH concerts
and Festival).
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Merchandising Committee, in coordination with the Treasurer, shall be responsible for all ticket and merchandise sales at
all Yakima Folklife events.”
Newsletter: Coordinate,
produce, and distribute a Yakima Folklife Newsletter, at least once for each calendar quarter.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
Newsletter Committee shall coordinate, produce, and distribute a Yakima Folklife Newsletter, at least once for each calendar
Public Relations/Marketing: Advertising all concerts, festival, and other events. Overseeing a committee and proposing PR plans and strategies
to the membership at meetings, BOTH concerts and festival. Works in coordination with Newsletter for concert marketing. Includes
production of the Festival Program.
From the Folklife Bylaws:
The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for the promotion and advertising of all Yakima Folklife events.